Watch The Birdie

We've been in a pretend holiday mode today. We started off with liberal application of sun tan lotion, that always puts us in the mood. After lunch on the patio we popped along to the Cotswold Sculpture Park, another place we have always meant to visit. 2 for 1 entry with our Gardeners' World offer card which was good. There were over 180 sculptures on show, most of which you could buy, if so inclined. There were lots we liked, lots we weren't so impressed with. I liked the 'Watch The Birdie' photographer, at £755 one of the lowest priced items. Maybe if I get a big win on my premium bonds ....

The second extra (Singularity by Jonty Hurwitz) would set you back £36960. I wonder if that includes delivery and installation.

We had a drink in the cafe afterwards. All in all a great place to visit, it would be good for a mini blip meet.

As we were close to Cotswold Water Park we decided to call in for a pizza on our way home. I had a nice beer (a Madri Excepcional) and got the first bottle top for my Les Paul collector. It will no doubt be blipped at a later date.

One year ago:
Welcome To The World #2
We don't seem to have had any residents in our birdie box this year :-(

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