Second Flight, Homeward Bound

A beautiful sunny and warm morning, a sunny and warm afternoon, a misty, windy, cold, wet evening! 

An early start, final packing checks, and headed to Norwich Airport after breakfast.  First flight to Aberdeen, and then onwards to Shetland.  We all popped along Laura's for a cuppa on our way home, and fetched Sammy too.  A few things to check around the house, including a burst pipe in the boiler.  Met friend Julie for walkies, and caught up with all the local news.  Feet up, and definitely a night for the fire! 

Well that's the holidays over for another time, and had a fantastic break, and much needed.  Sadly our summer break was met with winter on arrival back in Shetland, well apart from the light nights are still here.  Oh well, time to start saving for the next holidays, Tenerife for Christmas and New Year.  Taking off this afternoon, looking over Great Northern Road, Aberdeen.  

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