Simmer Dim Gardening

A fairly calm day, dry and mostly cloudy, with a lovely sunny evening.  The longest day, simmer dim, hopefully some proper summer weather to come.

Good to be in my own bed again, and slept well this morning.  Finally got out walkies with Sammy after breakfast.  We popped along Madeline's for a cuppa.  An afternoon in the garden.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and what a busy night.  Feet up now, and won't bother with a midnight walk later.

After being away on holiday, there was various reports about summer gales, so I was panicking to what state the garden would be in on my return.  Thankfully very little, if anything, it's grown out of control, especially the weeds.  A busy afternoon weeding, cutting the grass, planting leftover bedding plants, and peerie Brian was painting the fence.  Looking over Hawthorn Cottage garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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