Rainbow Cake for 5th. Birthday

Today our twin grandchildren were 5. Although they had a big party yesterday the cake was not cut and eaten at the party. From experience my daughter knew that a lot of the children would not eat a whole piece of birthday cake so she gave them each a cup cake which most of them did eat! And it would be a waste of her labours making the cake! 

So today we were able to light the candles and sing Happy 
Birthday again before actually eating some! 
See extra…the rainbow layers look good and it tasted delicious , nice and moist. Lovely for a homemade cake.

As they had so many presents given to them yesterday they had not opened many. They opened a few more today and as they did my daughter made a list of who gave them what and… got them to hold up the present and did a very short video of them saying thank you to the person. She will then send it to the parents! The latest type of thank you! It is a good idea and I would be happy to receive that …I am not amused when I send presents to children and get no thanks from their parents..not even a text or email. I think for significant people they will also have to write some form of card or my daughter will send a photo of them.

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