A day in the life

By Shelling


My visiting friends, Jörgen and Christina, wanted a guided tour of some of my favourite places on my island. We went to "the secret garden", the botanic research station baptised after our botanist Carl von Linnéus, where we went for plant hunting on Alvaret, the great plain on the island. 
I spent some time taking closeups of a couple of butterflies, (main), and didn't realise until I got home that they were actually mating. I couldn't see the details while taking the picture, and I felt almost embarrassed when I looked at the pictures on my computer. The orchids were no more but we found lots of other rare plants. Lunch war served in another lovely garden, then on to the south tip of the island to see the lighthouse named "Tall Jan", 'Långe Jan' in Swedish.

I cooked a pasta -lamb course when we got home to a gorgeous evening, mild weather-no wind, where food was enjoyed, wine and beer was had and  a general relaxed atmosphere was spread among our trio. A really nice day.

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