Clever Boy :-)
Last night we went to Doggy School early as Foxy had his examination (and me!) for the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Silver award.
He passed and now has this lovely certificate and rosette to go up on his wall.
Silver includes;
Road walk - around local roads, across a road and back to see how the dog behaves on a lead and to commands to stop, walk etc.
Vehicle Controle - Getting into a car under control and how it reacts when the engine is started.
Recall back to handler when left.
Two minute stay.
Food Manners. In this case it was the examiner with a bag of crisps being tantalisingly rustled and the dog has to ignore it.
Come away from a distraction. Around other dogs and returns to handler when called.
Examination of dog. The dog should allow examination of it's body, teeth and mouth by a stranger, the examiner in this case.
The handler (me) also gets asked a few questions from the 'Care and Responsibility' paper.
Foxy was Brilliant.
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