
By Annieone


Just the one....Blue one on a very large Pink hydrangea shrub...
This is the first time this has happened....we just don’t have the soil for blue ones in County Kildare...
This shrub came from my Mam-in-Laws garden in Dublin but I think the shrub cuttings came from her homeplace...a beautiful little town land in County Cavan called Castletara... a very, very long time ago...just proving how resilient and on-going Hydrangeas are...
It always makes me smile when I see them on sale in Garden Centers for a colossal amount of people not realize that all you have to do is stick a cutting in peat and you’ll have a new hydrangea in no time ...they are without doubt the easiest thing ever to propagate..!!

Mel had another ok day but has just now hurt the paw doing nothing in particular except following hubby as he was putting out the bins...but she’s not long since had the pain killer meds so hopefully she’ll be can see the paws stretched out in my extra.

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