A very full day going from one thing to the next - the usual Wednesday plus the lovely extra of pastoral time with Lu, baking cakes for school, and then meeting the landlady for some plumbing things to get sorted. 
EB is taken from Be Real which Amanda and Juliette got me to download - at a random point in the day it'll ask you to take a front and back camera pic...no filters or editing etc...a quick snapshot. I'm enjoying seeing a quick moment of their days each day. But this was all I had re a photo today!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A really lovely morning at the ES coffee...sent on to my next meeting laden with fresh plums that I'll make into a dessert for tomorrow's team dinner.
2) Time with Lu. She's a gem of a woman.
3) The hilarity of being awful at baking. Batch #1 have now been named the 'wonky cakes'. Who knew fairy cakes could vary so much in shape... Batch #2 behaved much better. 

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