A beautiful visitor

Lovely to see this swallowtail butterfly flitting about the flowers. It was difficult to get a photo because it wasn't still for a second, but I took a few and hoped for the best. I'm including three more in the extras plus a flower that made my day when I spotted it in the garden this morning. One of the zucchini that I'd started from seed looked like it wasn't going to make it because the stem had split most of the way up. I hilled the soil around it and supported it - and it has a flower! So happy that it survived - and I was out at 6:15am to get the proof! I think I wrote about it in a previous blip.
I had a good catchup conversation with my cousin and fellow blipper, BeachesDoogie. Always great to talk with him. On my walk, a woman that I haven't seen for quite a long time was biking on the road, so we had a good chat too. Home to do some work in the garden, get veggies ready for a stir fry for supper, some struggling with techie issues because the iMac is getting old and is so slow sometimes, it taxes my patience. A lovely day, though. And...guess what? We have a heat advisory for the weekend, supposed to get up to around 28C and feel even hotter than that. The garden will appreciate the heat!

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