
By Grapefruits

What is a "Whiff"

Walking through town and although this has been on the gable end wall since the year dot the colours caught my eye today.

I've never been a smoker thankfully, but back in the day Cheadles Tabacco Company shop odour used to hit you like a sledge hammer as you passed by on the path, Witton Street was the main road through town with artic road tankers trying to squeeze past each other and not knocking bits of the buildings off as they made their way to the local ICI works. As with many towns Witton Street is pedestrianised.

Woodbines, Capstan or Gold Flake ready rub are names I can just remember but apparently Bristol ciggarettes werre also a big name sold in blue packaging hence the colour scheme on the gable end, tried to look up what a whiff is or was and it seems to be a small cigar similar to a cheroot guess it means you only get a small whiff of the tabacco odour compared to a cigar.
It seems like a life time ago when you couldn't wait to get home and put your clothes in the wash after a night out on the town because of the clinging smell of smoke.

A pub in Chester has "Smoke room" etched in the windows might try to blip this next time I'm passing or when walking round the walls in the summer.

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