
By Grapefruits

Foxes 3 Chickens 0 = Time out period

Looking after my grand daughter while my son was at the dentist, took her to check my 3 chickens out to pick the eggs up but foxes had got in last night so the job was cut short quickly and we went to play on her alphabet toy instead. Like this as it is not the usual posed type and have learnt a very easy lesson give them something to take their minds off my camera and just snap away.

Dropped her off later and then had to clean the coup and chicken run out, we've had Korma, Tangled and Thingymagig for over two years now and managed to keep them safe from the field foxes next door but you only have to let them get a chance once and they'll have you so I dont think we'll restock again so time for a garden rethink.

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