Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Mid-Day Cowboy

I have had a busy week assembling photos for exhibition, cropping and editing them - being happy with that and then deleting all that work on my pc in error and having to start all over again. Very annoying.

However it’s all done - printed out (thank you Anthony Arcari) and framed. I needed a large piece of blue or green fabric for background and my swim buddy supplied that.

I also learnt that I failed 4 of the 8 modules on my Film Course so failed the year. I knew I would fail the editing but felt I would pass the Lighting for Film and Cinematography modules but sadly didn’t pass. I scored a Distinction on Documentary module (I interviewed and filmed Ronnie DELANY).

But exciting news. I have been given a small part in 10 minute short film called ‘Mid-Day Cowboy ‘. It’s a short film, satire (of sorts) and educational. We all know Midnight Cowboy (great film) but this short is about a cowboy who is afraid of the dark. The film highlights the fact that rough, tough men can also have fears and anxieties (the dark) and how this cowboy copes with these expectations and fears. I play his sister who is supportive of him and listens to his worries and tries to help him. Oh and by the way I have been asked to write the script. I am utterly delighted and honoured with that. I passed the Scriptwriting module and am very interested in this aspect of film making. Isn’t that exciting! I have the jacket with fringes, hat and bandana and as you can see, although I failed my Film Course, I am ready to get back on my horse and move forward.

Please listen to this, it’s haunting….

I am putting my feet up for the afternoon to watch Eastbourne Tennis. 4 of my pals are there and I look forward to next year to travel. My best friend Liz is off to Wimbledon on Sunday but is concerned about trains from Gatwick into London. Such a shame.

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