Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Another hot day

I was in Haltwhistle from lunchtime onwards today for a meeting of Haltwhistle walking festival volunteers, present and a few past. We were treated to a buffet lunch to thank us for making this year's festival so successful. Then we had discussions about the future.

I try really hard on these occasions to say nothing. I'm the past Chair so I don't like to cramp the style of the new chair.

So far through I found myself exploding because there had been suggestions that we reduce the number of volunteers on the teams. Currently we have a leader, deputy leader and a back up. Over the years, we found that having only two is fine until there is an accident. These happen infrequently, but, when they do, you need someone to look after the casualty and wait for the ambulance and someone to lead the group on.

On the other hand, I do support the committee in looking forward and making improvements. 

Part of me wishes I was still involved and part of me is very, very relieved that I am not. I still lead walks in the festival so I'm part of the whole.

I did a quick shop in Haltwhistle and headed home, hoping that perishable goods would not disintegrate in the heat of the car. This hay meadow caught my eye, so I turned off the Military Road to capture it.

The farmhouse to the west of me is Settlingstones. Hadrian's Wall Trail runs high up on the ridge behind the farm.

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