
By HarrythePotter


I really like bleak and deserted landscape and being close to Rannoch Moor, the bleakest part of the Highlands, we went for a walk from Rannoch Station towards Glencoe.

A complete surprise was the beautiful beach at the eastern end of Loch Laidon, a perfect spot for lunch where we watched Sand Martens flitting about.

The path then left the loch shore and followed tracks through pine forest.

There were various rather large dried poos on the path, definitely not from dogs, but contained mainly hair or fur. We wondered if it belonged to pine martens but appeared too big. 

I then remembered, in a past life, hearing an old scots man in a remote pub telling of the wild man of Rannoch Moor. He lived with escaped Tigers and, as the ages passed, became half man, half Tiger and dined on lonely hikers crossing the moor. I thought he was passing on an imagined tail, but now we know it to be true!!

We also saw a fleeting glimpse of a very large bird of prey, I'd like to think it was a Golden Eagle but can't really say so.

All in all a lovely end to our holiday.

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