Glad to be Home...

...At last! 

I was finally discharged from hospital today... somewhat worse for wear but oh so glad to be home! I was beginning to think the day would never come...and it was so reassuring to find that Maggie had been well cared for and happy to be in the company of my daughter and son-in -law for the duration! She didn't even seem angry at me for leaving her! 

I have not looked at Blip at all lately ..and have missed it...I can't promise myself that I will get caught up, but I would like to start again even on an intermittent basis at first, depending on how my recovery goes.... 

I kept thinking during my hospital stay that I really should be keeping a journal - that there was so much one could write about - the characters one meets there.. the staff, the patients, the kindnesses, the strength and courage shown, and then the rituals, the food, all the little absurdities of life in a hospital ward - some venturing almost into the area of slapstick....  Vitals and Vittles seemed like it might be a good place to start... I just wasn't up to it at the time..but I did "observe" and file away some memorable images...just in case I should ever need some writing material!  

I am focusing now on the weeks of recovery ahead when one has to take care and follow rules and be very very good...heh heh..hmmmm

PS: Thanks to everyone who sent best wishes..I am really looking forward to checking out journals again - I know I have missed a lot of fabulous photos and interesting adventures! 

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