Learning day by day

By EmmaF

William and Nadina

After swimming we took Granny and Grandad to Willows. Thekids had a great time, cuddled guinea pigs, bounced on the bouncy castle and slide, went on a tractor ride, watch the sheep stakes, went on lots of roundabouts, had an ice lolly, did the agility trail with some bruises to show for it, ran around the soft play and of course went to see the Falconers and watch the birds fly.

This is W with Nadina the spotted Asian Eagle owl. I couldn't get a shot with his face in it but in the end decided to post this as it emphasises Nadina's size in comparison to William. W was very funny when the Falconer was asking questions. He would shout out his answer to the point the man was talking directly to him a points. Instead of being phased by this, W seemed to like it. When we went to watch the flying show and the man was asking the same questions as earlier. W continued to shout out the answers, only this time he remembered the ones he had got wrong last time and gave the correct answer this time.

Sadly we found out that Atti, the little Barn Owl that first captured Carys and gave her her love of birds, passed away over the winter. Carys took this quite well, although she told me she was sad because Atti was her favourite and she had tears in her eyes while she told me. A big hug later and I could point out that Atti was still all over the farm as she is in lots of the posters. Poor C, that was the first time the reality of life and death came home to her.

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