Michael Marra

Some time in the 90s, I was studying Public Health as a day release student at Glasgow University, 350 miles from where I lived in Inverness. To make life easier, overnight accomodation was supplied at one of the halls of residence. One evening I discovered that Michael Marra was performing at the famous Scotia Bar. He was something completely different. A dry humoured Dundonian singing in his own accent, very much his own man. Many years later I saw him again in the Highlands when he was obviously ill. But what do you do? You keep going. On Stolen Stationary is my absolute favourite album, but I only have it on a cassette. (Hence yesterday’s downloading palaver.)
Here is a track from it Niel Gow’s Apprentice (Niel Gow is the Rabbie Burns of the Scottish  fiddle world.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0QMx8joNhA

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