
By scharwenka

Energised by the Sun

Well, at last the Sun reaches ground level quite frequently now; and one could say that it was warm outside during the afternoon.

The energy from the Sun is getting the plants going; not only is there the warmth, but the light is being used by chlorophyll to produce from water and atmospheric carbon dioxide the carbohydrates that partially make up the structure of the plants (sorry: I'm an atmospheric photochemist by trade!)

The forms and colours of the plants and flowers follow...

Here we see a little patch of our garden, at last happily colourful. Amongst the sea of forget-me-nots stand some lovely miniature tulips of a delicate pastel shade. In the foreground is a surviving daffodil, while in the background you should be able to make out one of the first wallflowers to come out, and the hyacinths that I showed in a photograph linked to a BlipFoto entry of just over a week ago.

Some unexpected work for the garden has just presented itself to us. Some residents a few doors down the road (who usually occupy themselves with mending and restoring cars: especially MGs and Morgans) were giving away runner bean plants that they had cultivated in excess of their needs. We have come away with a large tray of about 36 healthy looking plants, with a promise to take roughly half of them and return the rest. So we need to get down to finding pots and compost and doing some transplanting, rather than messing around with BlipFotos. I must to leave you now, with regrets and apologies.

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