children's gala

Thank you all, lovely Blippers, for your good wishes for Sarah and Chris yesterday and for propelling them onto the popular pages - a real honour. Sadly, Chris had to return to England today, back to work. We will see him again soon, though, for Sarah's Bob Graham in July, and then for the wedding celebrations here in August :-)

Lochmaben Gala day today so the Samba Sisters were back on a lorry, an open one this time so thankfully the weather improved by the time the parade set off through the town. It was still quite windy though, and it was sometimes a little tricky for us to keep our balance while playing as the lorry turned around the street corners :-)

I loved some of the expressions on this childrens' float, and the wee boy at the front in his Spiderman t-shirt. 

Next week we are off to...Annan!

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