
This morning was the other half of the pottery workshop I started last weekend. It was just a morning class where we were “turning” the pots we’d thrown last week. Basically this is tidying up the bottoms of them and putting a foot in the bottom - carving out a rim underneath so that the pot will sit flat. I love this process - bringing life to a pot as you reveal its finished shape. In was really impressed with how the other 4 people have done - they’ve never thrown before but have all ended up with 5 very respectable pots. I’m not sure I could have done that straight off! I don’t know how much the tutor helped as I was too engrossed in my own work, but even so, I think t he undid really well. We’ve now got to wait for them to be fired, glazed, and fired again. We had to agree on which glaze will be used for all the pots - the result is one of my favourite glazes but honestly, I didn’t influence the voting at all.

After that, lunch with a friend while I was in town, then a quick visit to White Stuff and then home and flopped onto the sofa. I’m exhausted now!

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