
By HareBrain

Love is in the air

After work I had a quick turn down the canal as it is a lovely evening. Lots of chat along the way with boat owners from hither and thither. A couple who I talked to for ages started their lives out in Bristol so we had lots to talk about as they knew so many places of my early life. They live on their boat now and are thoroughly enjoying every moment - exploring new places, living the good life and meeting so many different and interesting people, like me for one, of course, haha!!

These two Mallard seem to have paired up but there were lots of other males hovering around trying to steal her away, but Mr Right was having none of it. The swan from yesterday is on the other side of the canal. She's still sitting very tight and the locals say she has been there now for about 3 weeks, so it'll be about another 3 weeks to go I guess?

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