
By HareBrain

Hedgehog Rescue

Day off today. T is safely ensconced at the Gliding Club and I couldn't wait to get up to go and meet a not too far away neighbour, Mr. S, who is the founder of the Hedgehog Rescue in our town. In his quiet cul-de-sac he and some of his neighbours have joined forces and set up a series of pipelines between their gardens and in his garden Mr. S has provided sleeping quarters and feeding stations, all of which create a safe haven for these lovely little creatures and Mr. S is very involved with the nationwide hedgehog rescue scheme. He took me all around his wonderful garden (full of exciting flower and bird blips for another time) explaining everything they do and showed me the sleeping quarters which contained at least five, very sleepy little hedgehogs.

These three are waiting to be weighed by Mr. S and as they were all over 2lbs he said they were ready for release, so we then went up to the Churchyard, only a few yards from my house, where he released them into the their new home - a purpose built Hedgehog haven.

Mr S told me that a few nights ago one of the residents had called the Police out as she could hear some commotion in the Churchyard and alot of rustling and strange noises - the Police did come to investigate but they only found a churchyard full of .............. hedgehogs!

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