Naughty Mr Fox

It was wierd waking up in the cabin without Mr W who is travelling around Europe on his GS Adventure and Bella who's having a 3 day holiday with Lady Linda. 

I had a day of leafletting planned but before I left I had a little chat with JR my landlady out of her bedroom window. She had a mastectomy for breast cancer just 2 days ago. She was out of hospital the same day and very sick yesterday. I helped her out with some anti-sickness tablets. She called out her bedroom window on my way to the rubbish bin to say thank you and tell me she was feeling much better today which was great news. She looked well. She happily showed off her flat left chest saying "look....nice and flat". She was just happy to have the cancer gone. Shes a very inspirational lady. 

I then left and did 6 hours and 20 000 steps of leafletting. I wanted to do more but my back was starting to complain. I wouldn't be able to complete it (takes 3 or 4 days) if my back goes. I followed a well planned route and it really helped. 

Daughter Number 1 then called me having a bit of a wobble at work. She had to challenge a parent. Something she would feel quite happy doing before she had a baby but she said he made her feel a failure as she asked to come off the family. I told her he was the failure not her and that her priority was now to be a good mum and there was nothing wrong in realising your own limitations.

I then went to The Range for lashings of cheap craft bits and collect Bella from Lady Linda. Both of them looked very happy together. While I was there I got a text from  landladies Daughter..... (although she's non binary so what would you call a daughter??) to say a fox had killed 4 of the chickens and a duck so not to be shocked by all the feathers everywhere. It was so sad. I had a phobia of foxes for years because of them taking my chickens. I made sure I didn't get attached to these ones as I knew it was only a matter of time seeing as Mr Fox had been quite prolific on the Wildcam. 

I went to see Louie when I got back. She was sad. And angry. The back door had been closed to keep JR warm so none of the dogs where out to chase Mr W Fox off. And of course Barky McBark face was at Lady Linda's. When I checked the camera all you could hear was the duck quacking loudly. Wish I had kept it on mute.......

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