Just a load of clay Hearts!

Today was the 1st day of being able to do nothing since Mr W went away. I have Bella with me so can't go shopping so after a little local walk I got to work on more Wedding Hearts, plus a few for another Blipper. Mr W bought be some plywood to work on and boy does it make it easier as clay doesn't stick to wood and I was working on a small chopping board before now. Can you believe a bit of 3x2' plywood was £17!!!!!! Crazy when I was given a load of free pallets for DN1's wedding covered in chip board for free!!!!

Once I'd done the hearts I had a play with proper clay I bought home from Pottery Class. I made some chiming bowls for the garden but will fire and glaze them when I have all my equipment. I paid for a lump of clay to bring home to play with to keep my fingers supple as my hands tend to stiffen easily.

My poor landlady JR who had a mastectomy on Thursday and her grown up child Louie who lost all her chickens on Saturday have both tested + for Covid. Possibly spready by JR's visiting brother last week. As if their week can't get any worse. I've offered all the help I can but they are fiercely independent people and don't like to ask for help.  But they know I'm here if they need me. 

I found out the other day you can remove a Blipper who's annoying you!!! I used this 'function' for the 1st time yesterday after an insensitive comment came through about the loss of the resident chickens. It wasn't the 1st comment to annoy me so "Bye" !!

Sorry not Sorry.

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