99 Degrees

Ugh is all I'll say. Hate it. I wish this sweet Iceland Poppy's photo was truly representative of the day! Another round of watering and irrigation this morning to try to mitigate the heat. Ridiculous. Honestly, we do usually get a few days of heat every summer, but I don't need to like it ;-)

Had the grands today - we played outside until it got too hot. I even dragged out the little kiddie pool and filled it with cold water. But it was really too cold do do much with. It's probably about 99 degrees by now! We spent the afternoon doing various things, finally ending up watching "The Dodo Cat Crazy" videos on YouTube. Hilarious. If you like cats, or maybe even if you don't, it's worth a look (or maybe you need to be 8 years old).  Especially on a miserable, hot afternoon with your grandchildren wanting something fun to do.

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