Venus and the moon
Back to work again this morning. The beauty of the morning was striking, and on the walk from the carpark to the unit, I stopped and used the Lumix for a photo of the moon and Venus. Since last week the alignment with other planets has gone, and anyway light pollution in the central city would interfere massively with seeing it.
I had just made myself a pot of coffee when I realised that the sunrise over the Waitemata Harbour was more striking, and I quickly used the iPhone camera to get today's Blip.
My registrar is having a hard time. Off work all last week after testing positive for COVID, she remains off work through the respiratory effects persisting, and exhausting her.
An absence of appointments this afternoon, meant that I could do things properly at the Unit. Three new admissions, and five others needing to be seen and adjustments made in their treatment. Making notes in the electronic case record often ends up taking at least as much time as assessing the patient and deciding the treatment, and negotiating that with people who don't necessarily want any treatment.
Got through it all in time to be able to call in at Western Springs Lake on the way home, which is where (finally) I got a reasonable photo of a song thrush. I've posted it as an extra.
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