A New Day

By ANewDay

Empty Nest

A bit of a sad ending to yesterday's blip, I'm afraid. I went to have a look at the hedge that had interested Simba so much and found a dead blackbird chick lying on the ground beneath it. On further investigation, I was able to see this nest tipped at an angle which is no doubt why the chick fell out.

I can guarantee it had nothing to do with Simba, as he came in with me yesterday and didn't go out all night! I'm wondering if it was the wind that blew it over, as any animal or bird would have eaten the chick. I've righted the nest and left it where it was, but I'm not sure if it will be used again.

The builder came to make a start on the front wall today. One minute we had a wall and a hedge and the next they were both gone!! Too good to be true, we thought and, oh boy, were we right!! The problems just followed thick and fast after that and my BP has been through the roof!!

The builder's merchant he uses doesn't seem to know its a**** from its elbow and has been totally unable to give us a correct quotation for the supplies needed. Either it's the wrong quantity, or the wrong colour or the wrong price or even a mix of all three! Then the "brickie" who is building the new wall has been delayed on another job and won't be able to start for a fortnight. Then the builder's flat-bed lorry packed up en route to the tip ...... you get the picture!!

Why us, I wail, but I'm sure you'll tell me it's happened to you too:-)

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