Quick visit

Popped to M&S to pick up some holiday pjs I'd ordered. They are pink and lush (and fit which is more to the point) As we were near to #66 we popped in with a few bits for them to 'help' with the morning sickness. although not sure anything really helps with morning sickness. Beckley was his usual bundle of absolute happiness self. That dog just emanates joy by the bucket load. 
At the end of the night Ruben was lying quite still so we were able to have a good look at his feet. And, lo and behold, managed to find and remove what looks like a small piece of fragmented bone from between his claw and his pad. Hoping that this is what has been causing the problem - although there is the question of what's happened for a tiny piece of bone to 'come loose'. Vets tomorrow. 

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