Arctic Fox

Svalbard Day 8 (back blip)

We spent ten wonderful minutes watching this Arctic Fox today. He came closer and closer to us and seemed to be as curious about us as we were about him. I’m not sure how I feel about the huge tracking tag he was wearing ( apparently it will fall off soon) as it looked uncomfortable.

By breakfast time this morning we were anchored up at Longyearbyen. The ship couldn’t get to their usual place as the monthly container ship had arrived with provisions for the island. We took the tender boats for the last time then joined a local wildlife expert for half a day tour looking for Arctic foxes. We were not disappointed and he knew exactly were to go to look for them,could recognise individuals and was extremely knowledgeable about them. Hé also took us to where a pair of Ptarmigan were nesting and we were able to get very close as they too seemed to have no fear of humans. They continued about their business whilst we watched and tried to contain our excitement. Next stop was some small ponds where he knew of a Red Phalarobe and as we arrived so did he (see extras). We also saw the very rare King Eider duck.

We had dinner in Longyearbyen then walked back to the hostel on a dirt road and within five minutes had seen another Artic fox. This one did not have a tracker and was very different in colouring. Another amazing day for wildlife.

I’m finally catching up with blip and have back blipped the last 5 days.

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