Mine is a fully remote team, spread all over England, Wales and Scotland. I have previously met two people, no one else had ever seen each other in the flesh. We have all been looking forward to our face to face meeting in Manchester, first half this afternoon.

It was great, everyone was delighted to see each other, lots of chit chats, we learnt new stuff, had tours of the clinical site and obvs, had our monthly quiz live. The quiz is a little half hour we have of nonsense each month normally on Teams, everyone comes, one of the same two people win each time and we all laugh a lot. The quiz live was the same as normal but on steroids, all the chaos with abandoned rounds when no one understood what we were meant to be doing. This uninspiring picture was trying to work out who had got what points. Good fun. Then we went to the pub and for nice Vietnamese dinner. A rocking day.

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