Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

The Dirty Half Dozen

Been away since last Thursday visiting family and friends in England as part of birthday celebrations. Both youngest son and I have birthdays about now that end in a zero, which called for a special celebrations.

MrsB and I along with both sons and their girlfriends met up for the weekend at a hotel in Warwickshire, which was roughly equidistant between their homes in Manchester and Kent. The weather was stunning and we spent much of the time just chilling out in Warwick and Stratford on Avon. Nothing better than sitting in a beer garden in the sun having lunch with your ground up children and their partners!

The highlight of our weekend just had to be the quad biking in Warwick. Lots of muddy tracks and some really tough terrain to try and negotiate. This was us on the home straight and I think the instructor was wishing he had missed out this part. We literally got stuck in the mud and ended up pushing each other out, getting covered in the mud in the process. Never mind it was brilliant fun and the beer tasted great afterwards!!

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