My shadow

Another productive day in the Wildlings household. I'm giving the boy's beds away for free and someone was supposed to be coming to pick one up today. So their bedroom got gutted, things were moved and binned and toys all organised. When the Jedi napped I managed to put the rest of the set of drawers together that I started yesterday. I'll float my own boat and say I did a good job ;-) . I've started the next unit too but I'm taking a break ( and pill's) and cooking the Wildlings some dinner. Hopefully the main structure of it will be finished before it's time for the Wildlings bed. Xander's bed didn't get picked up in the end. Hopefully it will go tomorrow. I've got someone coming on Sunday for Lincoln's bed. The deal was that they would go for free if the people who wanted them would dismantle them . I've way too much to do for me to do it. 

I am supposed to be going into town tomorrow to get supplies for Lincoln's birthday on Friday but have DFS coming again to have another look at the sofa. The saga continues. I'm not happy with the cushions I sit on. 

The Jedi has been my shadow most of today and hasn't really left my side, even when going to the bathroom. The joy's of being a parent. His new phrase he's been repeating today is " help, my teeth are gone ". I've no idea what cartoon that has came from. 

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