
Our greenhouse is bearing fruit or rather vegetables - this is my first courgette and it looks like more are on the way. T's tomatoes  are coming along nicely. 

The greenhouse has windows which open automatically and this has proved beneficial on (rare) hot days when my potting shed can get too hot. At present I am using that mainly for potting although I will over-winter plants in there as well as shrub cuttings.

This morning saw my last yoga class until later in August as the teacher takes a break - however I will continue practicing at home a few times a week. 

This afternoon saw me going along to T's book group - our u3a has two and we are in different ones.  They had been reading O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker which I'd selected for my Edinburgh Bookgroup in January. I was interested to hear what others made of it. It was a really interesting discussion on the book and the author.  People mainly enjoyed it but one or two (including T) were less enthusiastic than others. 

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