In camera edit
I hardly ever think about using the few editing tools that are in the SL1 but today I did because I was trying to find something that was different. This was the watercolor effect. I tweaked it a little more on the computer.
We had a good rain most of the night and on to lunchtime today but after it stopped I went out to see how much it had soaked the soil. Not even an inch! But I know the plants in the yard were happy to have it! More chances of rain for the rest of the week. A little cooler temps also!
Had an hour or so reading outside on the porch listening to the rain on the tin roof. Peaceful. While I was outside there was an Earthquake! I did not feel it here but my son in Columbia and my friends in Lexington felt two tremors. And let me know about it!! There have been 29 minor earthquakes centered around the Lugoff area (about 40 miles from me but not so far from where my son lives) since the first of the year. Last year the total quakes was 27 for the year...we still have half a year to go! South Carolina is one of the most active areas on the east coast for seismic activity. This is sort of scary. My hubby the engineer says nothing to worry about!
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