
So, here's a nice thing... For my birthday, earlier, this year, Abi bought us tickets to see The Dandy Warhols play live. This was a characteristically thoughtful present: she knows I love live music and also how much I would enjoy doing something with her, plus there was a small joke in there; for a while, the Dandies were the only band we both liked in common.

And as Hannah was also a fan, albeit some years ago now, she agreed to come along, too, and I suggested we go down tomorrow, and make an event of it. Beers with my brother, tomorrow night, lunch with their grandparents on Saturday, and the Dandies in the evening. Perfect.

And then, out of the blue, a couple of friends suggested we go to Lisbon for three or four days. I checked my diary, it was all clear, and I said "Count me in!"

Well, yes, the diary was clear, but on the Sunday morning, I wouldn't be in Salford and able to get to Manchester airport to fly with Bob and Rich, I'd be in London. Aaaargh!

Still, with some assistance from the Minx, who was convinced it could be done, a plan was made, and plane tickets were bought. And then all the trouble started at the airports. And then they announced the train strikes!

Still, we managed to get tickets from Leeds to London tomorrow, and way, way cheaper than going from Manchester Piccadilly, as it turned out.

So, today was a combination of work and worrying about travel arrangements, but early this evening I managed to get packed, and then suggested to Abi that we drive over to Arnside for a fish and chip dinner, which we did. It was very lovely, and the perfect wind down.

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