Seven Bro7thers Beerhouse

Out for a pre-work walk with the Minx, including a stroll through Peel Park, where we saw the results of the labours of the Friends of Peel Park. Only a few weeks ago, there were no flowers to see.

There was no lesson at college, this afternoon, so I'd booked in some studio time instead. I managed to write something quite gentle and melodic, using what we've been learning on the composition course. The results were pretty boring but I told myself it was all good practice, which it was.

But then I came across a really noisy sample and had a very enjoyable last hour in the studio, building that up into something splendidly raucous that I was far happier with.

After that, I walked across to The Seven Bro7thers Beerhouse on Middlewood Locks to meet the Minx. We regularly walk around to the locks to go to the Co-op there, so we've walked past the beerhouse quite often, looking forward to the day it would be open again. So, this evening was our first visit and, happily, it was warm enough to sit outside.

I doubt that the ludicrously named and recently deferred 'freedom day' will take place in just over three weeks' time and, actually, I'm fine with that. I'll be happy enough if the Delta variant, carelessly let into the UK because of Johnson's idiocy, doesn't see us back into a new lockdown.

Reading: 'Meet Mathilda, Rocket Builder' by Dom Conlon

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