Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Tasty, tasty, very very tasty!

I love hostas and have them both in pots and in the garden borders. The slugs love them too so I have to share.

I've been at home today and enjoyed watching tennis as well as catching up with a few things on my desk (NOT). It's been an unremarkable day.

Until tonight, that is!

At 9pm, I was talking to Julie via Facebook, when the phone rang. I ignored it and expected Mum to answer. She didn't and it rang again. Off I trotted to answer, to hear that her personal alarm had gone off. This is always a false alarm, until tonight, that is!

Mum had fallen in her bedroom which is downstairs and I was upstairs. She managed to press her alarm button but could not get up.

Thankfully there were no broken bones, but there was a big gash on one elbow and a small contusion behind one knee.

I manged to push pillows under her head and decided to summon help. No one in at Brian and Margaret's (across the road). no one in at John and Nicola's (across the road), Ian (next door) sounded terrible due to Covid, Tim (across the road) is ex-directory.

SO, I lifted her myself and it was fine. 

Now all wounds are dressed and she is in bed drinking Horlicks. I expect that there will be aches and pains tomorrow and that she will be shaken.

Just as well I bought a thick pile carpet for the bedroom!!

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