Out on the wild and windy moor....

...well heathland really.
Mr U&L and I went to the local heathland reserve again this evening to look for roosting Silver-studded Blue butterflies.
As we travelled west from home, we noticed the sky becoming increasingly black and threatening, and by the time we arrived it was looking very grim indeed!  (see Extra 1).
Undaunted though we set out the short distance to where I had seen the Silver-studded Blues flying the other day. Sadly I could only find 6 tatty individuals (main shot) and by this time the wind had got up and it was spitting with rain, so we beat a hasty retreat back to the car.
Luckily the rain stopped after a minute or two and nearly back at the car we were treated to the most amazing and brightest double rainbow I think I have ever seen (see extra 2).
It rained most of the way home but all was OK as we were warm and dry in the car!

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