Now I do know where my boys got it from!
I was up at 5 and pottered for a couple of hours before deciding to take Dog for an early walk. Usually a half hour round trip I decided to do a longer route and was half way when I remembered Moira was coming to take me for breakfast! I had already got two huge boxes of photos from their cupboard to sort through, so left them where they were, and whilst out James ransacked them! He took loads of photos we can use for the slideshow they want to make (I must remember to check with the venue that they have the means to display it!), but they were mainly family ones from around 1990 on wards.
While I was out the funeral directors called the landline and told James that B was ready for anyone wanting to see him in the chapel of rest. So lucky that it happened the same day the boys were all coming down, so I called them back and made an appointment for us today and my brother tomorrow.
Liam and Daniel phoned to say they were in Ashford, so we left to meet up with them so that we could all go and register at last. It only took half an hour and we had an hour before the ‘viewing’ so James suggested popping into the outlet centre to see if there were any suits. I think I wrote at the weekend that they want to wear matching black suits but despite going to several stores at the weekend so far were unsuccessful. I was not hopeful, and waited in the car answering work emails while they hunted. I was most impressed when they returned with three matching M&S suits, and they got all three for only a little more than B paid for his last one!
That done, we made our way to the funeral directors. Tough and emotional, but as Liam said, ‘ he looked like Dad again and not ill’. In some ways that made it harder, but we were all glad that we did it, and we all went in individually to say our goodbyes.
None of the boys had eaten so we went for some lunch before they all headed home. It’s been lovely having James here all week, and the house is very quiet. I did break after they’d gone, the flood gates opening until I took myself in hand and as I put the boxes of photos back I found the missing folder of B’s old family photos, hence the blip.
It’s Liam’s birthday tomorrow and it was so hard writing that card from just me.
Dog too has been quiet and clingy tonight, and as I write is sprawled across my legs. We are both sad and flat, but as they say…..tomorrow is another day, and it will be good to see my brother.
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