Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Terminus: Terres Neuves

I've been a bit lazy with blipfoto lately. This is my second entry of May to do five blips in a day. There's so much to do and I've been quite busy trying to squeeze everything within the last few days I have in Bordeaux. I can't believe that I'm leaving so soon. I know this is cliché to say, but time goes by so fast. I will be going home in nine days. As much as I like Bordeaux, I am ready to go home. I will definitely miss France. As I've been saying in previous entries. I am so lucky to be doing this study abroad program. I am really blessed.

What did I do today?
I dropped of my brother at the train station. He went on his way to Paris. I will be joining him after my final tomorrow. I had bought my train ticket for the 5:30pm train, but when I checked what time my final was, I realized that I should have bought an earlier train since my final is going to be in the morning. Class is usually in the afternoon and I had assumed it would be the same time.

After I had dropped of my brother. I went down to the end of tram C. Terres Neuves (or New lands) just like most of the other tram terminuses is rather residential. However, Terres Neuves in Bègles, a suburb of Bordeaux, is kinda neat. I found this pretty cool sign painted on a building saying "Accès aux quais" (Access to the docks).

I am almost done with my project of visiting every tram terminus. Tomorrow I need to go to Floirac Dravemont on the tram A line.

When I got home, I took a nap, played some piano, and then started packing up my things. :(

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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