
No.1 is home for the weekend but JC had the car so I was ‘mum’s taxi’. I did a walk first thing taking to K (or she talked, I listened). People often say I am a good listener but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to talk too - but it seems that so many people dominate the conversation not realising that good dialogue involves BOTH people talking!

No. 1 had a hair appointment and visited a friend with a new born so I went too and was congratulated on getting baby G to sleep! Home to sit in the garden for a hour and we decided to crack open a bottle of Prosecco - Lidl finest and great value! OH out at golf all day so we had our choice of tv (no golf, tennis or motor sport). We watched Pride about the support given to the Welsh miners by the LBGT community in the early 80’s - great feel good (albeit sad) film. OH home and told us all about his day…… but forgot to ask about ours or notice No.1’s hair cut!

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