My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Back again.

L was ravenous at 2:30am and so we were all up having a tiny amount of toast before heading back to bed.

We thought this was positive until all the medicines from yesterday had worn off and L started vomiting again. So back we went, straight to the paediatric A&E where we went through the same medicine routine as yesterday before coming home again.

L had been a little brighter this afternoon. Plenty of rehydration fluids, and some dry food little and often.

We’re all exhausted so an early night.

Soon after she went to bed she started whimpering. N went up to see her to find her terrified and kneeling up in bed. Bless her, she has her very first wobbly tooth and it scared her. Sweet little girl. Talk about unexpected on an already tricky day for her.

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