
I often notice the glimpse of Inchkeith that I get walking along Prospect Bank, but rarely blip it. I put in a massive shift at the allotment - so massive that the plantar fasciitis kicked in and I had to stand and wait for a couple of buses to shuttle me home rather than limping painfully. But I continuted with the strimming, and also cleared the bed post red hingins and transplanted some rainbow chard into it (see extra). Get me.

They had a right day of it on the island - RNLI called out from SQ to remove  a powerboat with a failed engine that was blocking the ferries' access to the piers!

Spent the day feeling very low indeed - last night I had a phonecall from a tearful L in Oxford telling me that our lovely friend and former colleague D had died suddenly yesterday morning. Something about a rare and horrible side effect of some medication he'd just been put on. Can't believe he's gone - larger than life is the phrase that springs to mind. Lovely, lovely man. Strangely couldn't find that I'd ever blipped him in person - nearest was his right arm which features in this blip of his retirement present.

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