Who Hoards Now

In the past Mrs S has described me as a “hoarder”, that I may be but clearly not as bad as some of my friends. This is a hand drawn map of HMS Fisgard from around 1970, reproduced on a ‘Gestetner” machine and issued to all the new entries, (Nozzers), to enable us to be in the right place at the right time.
Now that he has entered his loft I can expect more photographs from my friend as he unearths more “treasure”.

With Thursday comes my FRFC Thursday Gang time, some maintenance, a bacon buttie for lunch and the chance to catch up with friends. Today we were joined briefly by a potential contractor to look over some proposed work, the sighing and head shaking taken with the brevity of the visit more or less told us all we need to know.

That was followed by an odd number looking to row in the evening, not odd as the opposite of even but odd that we had more than enough for one gig to go out but not two. With a proposal to go out with 11 in the gig two of us stood down to make life easier.

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