Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

St John's wort is a plant that grows in The Garden. It's dried and used in tea and body/hand cream. It's a really nice little plant, and useful too. But... it neutralises some medicin and have interaction with some medicine which can be dangerous, so not good if you're on vital medicine. Best check before use. :)
I've cut a lot down today and then removed flowers and leaves from the thicker stem. We also had a pause with yummy strawberries before lunch.
Just as the bus came, it started pouring down. Thankfully it'd stopped when I came home, but the thunder started as I went to the store and when I came out it was pouring down. The thunder sounded really close, so I hurried inside, drenched. And that's how most of the day has been since. Heavy rain and thundering thunder. But, the air is clearer and we have nice temperatures right now. It wont be difficult to sleep tonight. :)
I've finally replanted my three Coleus and hopefully they will be happy in separate pots. I also came home with lavender cuttings from The garden, kindly offered to me from one of the staff. They now live in soil together with other plants. Hopefully they will develop roots and I can replant them into larger pots. One of my lavender seeds has germinated. It's still touch and go, but fingers crossed. 
I still feel a bit under the weather, but onwards and upwards... one day at the time.

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