Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's been a long day... But, a fun day. :) First at work doing different chores. First up in the park looking at all the growth and beautiful veggies... My boss called me over to these ones and said that I should take a photo of them and I did...many... such beautiful colours, don't you think?
Then we had our break and we discussed respect, or rather the lack of respect in our society... The latest burning of the koran, for example... sure, or law says that we can, but...were's the respect in doing such thing?? There are other ways to express your opinion. We also talked about hatred online and watered towards people looking differently. Why do people care so much about how others live their life?
It was nice to go out and help our dahlias to support themselves in the wind and the rain afterwards, and I heard a raven call several times. That makes me happy. :)
When my day was finished I had lunch with a coworker and then we went into town, me to take a bus to friends house and she went home. 
My friend met me and we had such a great time together. Time flew away and suddenly I stayed for dinner and the evening came. I caught an earlier bus than thought home and arrived a few minutes before my bus home. Perfect. :)
Off to bed soon, so I'll visit your journals tomorrow. :)

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