Island Explorer

It was another still day, so we went fishing again and caught nothing this time.  On the way back we nosed the boat into the sea caves on the north side of the bay, explored the little coves, and I eventually dropped CyclopsJnr off on a rock so he could race me on foot back to the sandy beach where we land the boat.

Once reunited, he had a go at rowing which went quite well, then it was so still I offered him the chance to explore the island (visible in the background here).  I rowed him over and dropped him off on a rock, and left him to explore for a bit.  He was super excited and full of tales of adventure when I came to pick him up (pictured) 10 minutes later...

After lunch he wanted to do MORE pointing so we did, then as the sun was out we went back to the beach for more paddling and digging channels in the sand to divert the stream and create pools.  

After dinner we played monopoly before bed, which CyclopsJnr won by a embarrassingly huge margin, much to his delight.

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