
By Marionsmom742

Resting place

This is my baby girl’s resting place. She was cremated, and her ashes were interred with her great Grand Mother (Jean Marion). My mother (Marion Jean) painted the stone, and my husband and I keep the site looking pretty.

I love visiting and making the space beautiful. I just put in this little garden last week. I’ve noticed that our cemetery neighbours don’t always have the same upkeep on their sites. I often think that maybe there is no one who can do the upkeep, or maybe it’s too hard for their loved ones to visit.

There’s a man buried beside my baby girl, whom passed in 1989. Although maybe strange, I talk to him a little every time I visit. For some reason, I feel like he would enjoy the visit, and that he appreciates my presence. And I’ve been cleaning up his site for the last few weeks, clipping the weeds and grass, and hoping he and his family would approve.

Today, I visited and saw that someone has come and planted a beautiful lavender bush on his site. My absolute favourite scent. And I noticed that whomever visited him, watered my baby girls flowers for us as well.

I hope one day I meet whoever visits the man beside my baby. They’re a good person.

Mood: thankful for good people

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