The day to start is today

By Traci

A word to the wise isn't necessary

it's the stupid ones that need the advice (Bill Cosby)

Up at silly o'clock to help finish my almost youngest's textile project. She was almost done but she needed help to put the lacing in at the back and to try and get it done at college wouldn't have worked. Had gone to bed early so we could concentrate on it properly - punching holes in a final piece is nerve-racking (and I cut my thumb "que sympathy" glad it was me mind, she had a full days exam work to do, difficult with a plaster on the end of your thumb)

After a whirlwind of a day at school I came home to sit for ten minutes in the garden before we went off on the rounds. Twenty minutes later I was called in - I had got distracted with my favourite dandelion clocks, my hundreds of dandelions, which hubby has been told not to cut (along with a lawn of daisies) are taking forever to change. There was one! But lots to come.

Youngest pulled her hamstring tonight (apparently worse pain than a cut thumb??? ) and it is going to hurt 'more' before it gets better. Well if she will insist on doing a sport where you slam down into a Kosak split - you are going to suffer for it at some point, that 's all I am saying.

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