Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Monday — Then There was Fog

After a bright sunny day, at 6:30ish this evening clouds drifted over and then the clouds got real friendly and filled this little town with a thick veil of moisture. The fireworks then became more of a sound show, than a light show.

This photo (borrowed) reveals what could be seen at the pier. A mile away, back at our place, we could not see them. The sky lit-up, but we could not see the actual firework. This scared our little Mitzi pup terribly -- she is losing her hearing and only hears loud noises (like when I clap my hands). It was not a good few moments here. I held her tight on my lap and we made it thru to the end of the noise.

Two years without a parade — a “home-spun” Norman Rockwell July 4th parade in Cayucos — a parade that swells this little Cayucos cowboy surfer town from 3,000 to 30,000 and everyone has fun. All a person needs is a bathing suit, cowboy boots, and the desire to dance in the street.

Mr. Fun & I had a good good time this holiday. Our late afternoon included a barbecue at the home of Tom & Joy.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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